Murad urges people to celebrate Eid with simplicity

Sindh Chief Minister Syed Murad Ali Shah has urged people of Pakistan, particularly of Sindh to celebrate Eidul Fitr with simplicity and demonstrate solidarity with the coronavirus patients, the aggrieved families who lost their loved ones and the poor people.

"We are passing through a very critical phase of pandemic which is unprecedented in the recent history, therefore, I am of the view that we all should celebrate Eid with simplicity and I would request the prime minister to announce celebration of Eid with simplicity on national level."

This he said on Thursday while addressing a press conference here at auditorium of Sindh Assembly Building. He was flanked by provincial ministers, Dr Azra Pechuho, Saeed Ghani, Nasir Shah, Advisor Murtaza Wahab and MNA Agha Rafiullah.

The chief minister said that he was dedicating Eidul Fitr to the frontline workers, doctors, paramedical staff, nurses, janitorial staff, police, Rangers and revenue dept officials who selflessly fighting with the virus to save life of others. "This is a matchless service and we have lost seven doctors, five policemen and 20 Pakistan Rangers," he said.

The chief minister paying rich tribute to front line workers, said that 364 persons of health department were affected by coronavirus, of them 27 have recovered and seven of them lost their lives while saving the lives of the patients. He shared their names, Dr Abdul Qadir Soomro, Dr Abdul Haq, Dr Zubaida Siraj Dr Furqan Ul Haq, Dr Asar Ibrahim, Dr M Basheer Qasim and Dr Nawaz Gahouti, with the media.

He added that 274 policemen were infected with coronavirus, of them 59 have recovered while five succumbed to the virus. They were Hanif, ASI Anis, ASI Sher Gul Khan, ASI Mohammad Anwar and HC Abdul Aziz. He paid them rich tribute.

Talking about Pakistan Rangers, the chief minister said that their 20 personnel have been affected by the coronavirus and they were prayer for their early recover.

Compensation: The chief minister announced to give compensation to the frontline workers who lost their lives in the line of their duty. "I will also give a similar compensation to the frontline workers of the private sector by making necessary amendment in the law," he said and added that the compensation package was under preparation.

He said that there was a provision of compensation in the accidental deaths. "We are also exploring ways and means to compensate others," he said.

Shah said that the international experiences and ground realities showed that coronavirus has affected thickly populated areas badly. "I am not talking only of Pakistan but all over the world this trend has been witnessed," he said and added that is why Karachi and Lahore have more cases.

He said that on the coronavirus issue, the guideline of PPP Chairman Bilawal Bhutto Zardari were commendable. "He kept us guiding and almost all his decisions were based on the ground reality and international experiences and expert guidance," he said.

NFC: Talking about National Finance Commission (NFC), Shah said that it has been constituted in violation of the constitution. "I have written a letter to the prime minister and requested him to withdraw the letter and reconstitute the commission in conformity of the constitution," he said and added he was sure the prime minister would not do anything contrary to the constitution.

To a question, he said that the federal government has been violating constitutional requirements. He gave the reference of Council of Common Interest (CCI) and said it was mandatory to convene its meeting after every 90 days but its meeting was held after 11-month. Similarly, he said the National Economic Council has to meet twice in a year but its meetings were not being held as per constitutional requirement.

Copyright Business Recorder, 2020

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