Strong quake shakes southern Mexico

23 Sep, 2012


The epicenter was located at a depth of two kilometers near the town of Pinotepa, in the state of Oaxaca, some 300 kilometers southeast of Mexico City, according to the institute.


The institute initially said the earthquake had a magnitude of 5.8 and was situated at a depth of ten kilometers, but later revised its findings.


The US Geological Service, which monitors earthquakes worldwide, said the quake's magnitude was 5.4 and placed it 12 kilometers southeast of the town of San Pedro Amuzgos, in Oaxaca, at 1230 GMT.


The quake rattled tall buildings in the Mexican capital and activated the city's seismic alarm system, but Mayor Marcelo Ebrard said via Twitter that there had been no damage or casualties.


Copyright APP (Associated Press of Pakistan), 2012


Copyright AFP (Agence France-Presse), 2012

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