Tom Cruise’s ex-girlfriend Nazanin releases anti-scientology rap

WASIM KARIM   KARACHI: Nazanin Boniadi is not into Scientology anymore, as confirmed with the recent release of he
12 Dec, 2012


KARACHI: Nazanin Boniadi is not into Scientology anymore, as confirmed with the recent release of her new anti-scientology rap song.


The Iranian-born actress revealed some of the biggest names in the organization, including her reported ex-boyfriend Tom Cruise.


Despite its popularity among celebrities, the church of Scientology has long been condemned for its practices and beliefs. But this time former scientologists joined hands together and released a rap song calling out church leader David Miscaviage and its celebrity endorsers.


In her song, Boniadi points three of the church's most famous followers,

"But we all know how it is

This ain't no road to freedom

It's a blind alley, like Kirstie Alley

Travolta, and Cruise, but we ain't no fools."


According to media sources, the song was put together by Italian producer Titziano Lugli who was ex-communicated from the church in 2010. He invited prominent former Scientology figures including Mark Rathbun to write and sing a collaborative rap song slamming the church and its leader.


However, Boniadi is the most scandalous contributor among all. After Cruise’s split with Kidman, Miscaviage was scared that Cruise’s next girlfriend wouldn’t support and follow Scientology. So, he issued a church-sanctioned search for his next girlfriend.


According to US media sources, Lugli and Rathbun are planning to sell the song as a single and use the money to help people who are leaving the church with nothing.


Copyright Business Recorder, 2012

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