DUBAI: The lowest offer made at Iraq's international wheat purchase tender was at $337 a tonne cost, insurance and freight (CIF) for 50,000 tonnes of Canadian wheat, traders said on Sunday.
Iraq is seeking 50,000 tonnes of Australian, Canadian or US origin wheat in the tender. The lowest offer was made by Hanalico.
Offers should remain valid until Sept. 27.
Traders said the following bids were made in the tender in dollars per tonne on a CIF basis:
*Cargill: 50,000 tonnes of US wheat at $339.95
*Hanalico: 50,000 tonnes of Australian wheat at $418
*Hanalico: 50,000 tonnes of Canadian wheat at $337
*Ameropa: two cargoes each of 50,000 tonnes of US wheat at $337.86
*Ameropa: 50,000 tonnes of Australian wheat at $364.47
*CBH: 50,000 tonnes of Australian wheat at $353.27
*Richardson: 50,000 tonnes of Canadian wheat at $359.15
*Teriyaki: 50,000 tonnes of US wheat at $344.74
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