Ghebreyesus urged member states to sign up for COVAX facility calling it the only solution to procure and deploy a coronavirus vaccine equitably and quickly around the globe
ISPR states the facility will help create environment for research and innovation in the fields of IT and defence communication and will serve as a trigger for development of cyber industry in the area
The Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences states one half of the Nobel Prize is awarded to Roger Penrose while the other half jointly to US scientists Reinhard Genzel and Andrea Ghez
Qureshi says extrajudicial killings of innocent people of Kashmir are tactics used to break the will of the people fighting for their right to self-determination
Ahsan Iqbal says as part of the campaign against the government, the PDM will also hold public gatherings and rallies in Gujranwala on October 16 and in Quetta on October 25
Court states the tendency of invoking the constitutional jurisdiction of a High Court in matters involving political content is certainly not in public interest and that too when the law provides for alternate remedies
The scientists made a decisive contribution to the fight against blood-borne hepatitis, a major global health problem that causes cirrhosis and liver cancer in people around the world
Abbasi says if raising voice against government's negligence and peoples' rights comes under treason then they will continue to commit this crime everyday