Sindh Chief Minister Dr Arbab Ghulam Rahim has said that he would establish writ of the government at all costs and provide protection to the people of Sindh against poor police administration, inadequate social justice and acts of terrorism continuing unabated for the last many months in the province.
The chief minister was addressing his first press conference at the Chief Minister House on Wednesday evening after swearing in as the 26th chief minister of Sindh.
The swearing in ceremony was held earlier at the Governor House.
Though the chief minister repeated what he had already said at the floor of the Sindh Assembly after winning the vote of ascertainment from the House in the morning, but he thought it necessary to once again count his priorities before the press.
He said that there was no writ of the government and criminals were indulging in unlawful activities without fear of being caught and punished.
He said that the establishment of the writ of the government would be his first priority.
"I give all government functionaries two months to improve their working and change their attitude towards people. If they fail to come up to my expectation and fail to deliver, they would be relieved of their duties."
He said that the police would have to change and realise its responsibilities towards the society and do its jobs honestly.
He said he wanted honest, hard working and committed government functionaries. "The rouges would have to make room for the efficient," he added.
He said that he would tour extensively and would expect the same from his ministers, secretaries and other field officers. They should go out and meet people living in villages and remote areas and solve their problems.
Rahim said that the employment generation would not be an easy task. "Since agriculture is the mainstay of more than 70 percent population of Sindh, It would be given priority treatment so that agricultural activities increase and larger portion of the population draw benefit out of this work." He said that to improve agriculture, water management and its distribution and conservation would be taken up.
He said a programme of lining of canals and watercourses would be initiated on war footings. It would save wastage of water and carry it to tail-enders as well. "My preference is tail-end user, " he added.
Rahim said that Sindh has minerals that have not been explored properly. This area would be given importance and more and more mineral exploration would be undertaken.
He said that the local government system would be further strengthened and made effective. "The city district governments were all under the chief minister and, therefore, they will have to develop a working relationship with us. I will see that their problems have been looked into and resolved.
He said that he would respect the opposition and would expect the same from them.
He said, "Through mutual respect democracy and democratic institutions would have to be strengthened." The chief minister said he would maintain close liaison with the press and would welcome healthy criticism.
He said that the newsmen were free to write and give their opinion on any issue, but they should not do it for the sake of doing it but with the purpose of bringing about changes in the system for the well being of the society.
He said he would remain in touch with the press and would like the press to guide him in the larger interest of the country.
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