Punjab Chief Minister Chaudhry Pervaiz Elahi has announced launching of mega projects on the patron of Lahore Ring Road in all big cities of the province. He was presiding over a high-level meeting at the Chief Minister House here on Sunday. Head of various departments and autonomous agencies were also present on the occasion.
The chief minister said while executing mega projects, such schemes would be accorded priority which could reduce the traffic congestion in cities and benefit a major portion of the local populace.
Expressing his views on Lahore Ring Road project, the Chief Minister said it is the largest development project in the history of provincial metropolis and, therefore, its pace of execution as well as quality of construction would be strictly ensured.
He directed that construction of Ring Road at Niazi Chowk interchange be completed within six months.
He said in order to accelerate the pace of implementation of Ring Road project, construction work would be started simultaneously at its different portions.
He said the government wants to complete all ongoing development projects in the shortest possible time so as to save people from traffic problem.
However, he said as the implementation of such projects would increase traffic load on alternative routes, too, it is therefore hoped that the people would gladly face temporary inconvenience.
He directed the administration to make payment to owners of the land acquired for Ring Road project according to the market rate and warned that strict action would be taken of any complaint in this regard.
Provincial secretary Sabtain Fazal Haleem informed the meeting that Ring Road would be completed within one month up to Sagian Bridge after construction of Niazi Chowk interchange.
He said that Jhaal Khanoana Bridge would also be completed within six months in Faisalabad at a cost of Rs 450 million.
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