The Karachi Port handled 80,920 tonnes of cargo including 52,306 tonnes import and 28,614 tonnes export cargo during last 24 hours ending at 0700 hours on Wednesday. The cargo comprised of 55,001 tonnes dry and 25,919 tonnes liquid cargo.
Two ships namely Rio Rubio and New Concord sailed out to sea during the report period.
Four vessels viz Apl Pusan, Corinthiakos, Astor and African Sanderling are currently at the berths.
Four ships namely Hero-1, Astor, African Sanderling and Apl Pusan expected to sail on Wednesday, while three ships namely Oranje, Kota Tegap and Stolt Violet are expected to sail on Thursday.
Two ships namely Sea Velent and Sinar Bontang due to arrive on Wednesday, while five vessels viz Chemstar King, Kota Wangi, Shan Hai, Sea Lady and Ponl Mahe are due to arrive on Thursday.
The cargo comprised of 7,151 tonnes chemicals; 10,000 tonnes edible oil; 10,289 tonnes wheat and 20,676 tonnes containerised cargo.
Three vessels viz Maersk Arizona, Alexandria and Irene sailed out to sea during last 24 hours.
A total of four vessels viz Stolt Sincerity, CMA CGM Nilgat, Iron Butterfly and Armoniks are currently at the outer anchorage.
Three ships namely Armoniks, CMA CGM Nilgat and Stolt Sincerity due to take berths on Wednesday.
MT Maya IV due to arrive on Wednesday, while another ship MT Yanaseni is due to arrive on Thursday.
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