Kambar Ali Khan was completely closed on Saturday, as around 50,000 citizens attended the funeral prayers of the four persons, killed in clashes with the police on Friday. Local spiritual leader Syed Hussain Shah led the funeral prayers at the Market Committee Ground. Many political leaders, including Nawab Shabbir Ahmed Chandio, also attended the funeral prayers. Later, the slain citizens were laid to rest.
Earlier, the citizens had refused to bury the victims till lodging of FIR against the police officials of the Kambar police station.
However, on the complaint of one Ghulam Umer Magsi, the FIR was registered against Taluka Police Officer (TPO), Kamber, Syed Sahib Shah, TPO, Saddar, Larkana, Ghulam Abbas Gadhi, Station House Officer (SHO), Kambar, Habibullah Abro, SHO Shahdadkot, SHO Mahotta Ashraf Lashari and ASI Khadium Magsi and other cops.
Meanwhile, the three-member team, constituted by Sindh Inspector General Syed Kamal Shah, probing into the case. The team, led by Additional IG Police of Sindh Asad Jehangir, will furnish its report within seven days.
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