Former premier Benazir Bhutto has said that no one could dare to commit honour killing in her government. In an interview with a private TV channel she said the menace was suppressed in her era, as whenever someone would kill or physically assault his daughter or sister, the government would take immediate action against him.
She asked what steps the government is taking to curb Karo-kari or honour killing.
Benazir said: "My party's elected representatives presented a bill to curb the honour killing in the country," but she said, "the government presented another bill to dilute ours."
"The counter bill would not eliminate honour killing, she added.
"The law in this regard has nothing to do with Islam and it is a straight forward murder," she said, adding, "it is an old custom, which is wrong one."
"It is very necessary for the state to provide safety to mothers and daughters," she said.
"If the government presents any good bill the party will support it and if we move a bill for security of women, the government should also support us," she added.
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