It seems in the Olympics that various medalists biting on their gold or silver prize, but it’s not a chocolate coin wrapped in gold foil. That is genuine metal that creates that Olympic Medal and this enduring mystery that even Olympic historians don’t understand it, and it created a question in everyone’s mind that why they do so?
According to Business Insider, “We have no idea why they do it “Anthony Bijkerk secretary general of the International Society of Olympic Historians told INSIDER in an email. “As far as I know, it is an old habit.”
There are really a couple of reasons, yet the most clear is that it’s a pose photographers really like to capture.
“It’s become an obsession with the photographers,” said David Wallechinsky, the president of the International Society of Olympic Historians and co-author of ‘The Complete Book of the Olympics’ told CNN. “I think they look at it as an iconic shot, as something that you can probably sell. I don’t think it’s something the athletes would probably do by their own” he added.
Biting on gold used to be an approach to tell in the event that it was real. However, most Olympians likely know at this point that their gold Medal is for the most part comprised of silver and copper. It’s true that Olympic gold medals are actually just 1.34 percent gold. The rest is sterling silver, ABC News reported. If they were actually solid gold, the prizes would cost the IOC about $17 million.
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