Punjab Chief Minister Chaudhry Pervaiz Elahi in a meeting with the head of Bharatiya Janata Party L K Advani here on Friday said that increased pace of contacts between Pakistan and India have resulted in promotion of relations between the two countries. Indian High Commissioner Shiv Shankar Menon was present on the occasion. Pervaiz Elahi said with the exchange of parliamentary delegations between two neighbourly countries, journey of friendship and peace would proceed further.
Referring to the recent visit of Indian Punjab Chief Minster Captain Amrindar Singh (Retd) to the Province, Elahi said it had resulted in promotion of better understanding and possibility of exploring new economic avenues between Pakistan and India, he added.
Indian leader, speaking in the function held in his honour by Pervaiz Elahi, said the peace mission initiated between two countries would continue resulting in further promotion of mutual ties. 'Tourism, and other sectoral links in that sequence would also be established henceforth in the region', he added.
Advani thanked Pakistan Muslim League (PML-Q) head Chaudhry Shujaat Hussain for his excellent arrangements on his tour to Katas Raj District Chakwal recently.
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