Seventeen projects of planning and development division worth Rs.3204.322 million have been included in the Public Sector Development Program (PSDP) 2005-06. Out of the total amount, Rs. 2815.415 million will be spent on nine new projects, while the remaining Rs.388.917 has been earmarked for eight ongoing projects.
The new projects, which have been specified in the coming PSDP, are: upgradation of Pakistan planning & management institute phase -I (Rs.34 million); upgradation of Pakistan planning and management phase-I (Rs.1 million); Umbrella PC-II for the infrastructure institutional capacity building and project preparatory facility through technical assistance loan from Asian Development Bank (Rs.70 million); Prime Minister Package for DERA, Balochistan, which is still unapproved (Rs.1000 million); electronic government project (Rs.8.415 million); establishment of environment sector (Rs.2 million); public-private partnership environment friendly transport in Karachi (Rs.500 million); allocation for un-funded important projects (Rs.1000 million); and Rs. 200 million for pre-feasibility studies.
The ongoing projects are: salt iodization project (Rs.6 million); strengthening of projects wing of P&D division (Rs.15.863 million); technical assistance for capacity building of federal DERA unit Islamabad to implement DERA program (Rs. 6 million); establishment of federal unit for draught emergency relief assistance (DERA) program Islamabad (Rs.33.513 million); economic research program (Rs.9.712 million); upgradation and expansion of existing NLC communication Network (Rs.300 million); institutional strengthening and capacity building of energy wing P&D division Islamabad (Rs.10.256 million); and macro modelling project of Rs.7.573 million.
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