BMA-PGBI yield went up by 8 basis points, which ended in downward move of its value by 0.21% to close at 94.94. Upward trend in yield to maturities was witnessed in second half of the day when the Central Bank accepted bids of Rs 108 billion in all three tenors of T-Bills by increasing cut-off, on average, by 15 basis points.
Index Statistics 08-June-05 07-June-05 Change
BMA-PGBI (Index Value) 94.9420 95.1463 -0.2043 (-0.21%)
Principal Return (Index Value) 82.2002 82.4518 -0.2516 (-0.31%)
Interest Return % 15.50% 15.40% 0.0010 (0.68%)
Average Coupon % 10.4677 10.4650 0.0027 (0.03%)
Average Maturity % 6.0943 6.0988 -0.0045 (-0.07%)
Average Yield % 9.5951 9.5161 0.0789 (0.83%)
Average Duration Value 4.1629 4.1710 -0.0081 (-0.19%)
Average Convexity Value 28.3219 28.3859 -0.0640 (-0.23%)
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