A big haul of narcotics was seized and three drug-pushers arrested by the Kot Addu police, district Muzaffargarh, in the wee hours of Wednesday. SHO Kot Addu, Mahboob Ahmed Tangwani, told APP on phone that three accused, Ghulam Abbas, Ameer Bakhsh and Riaz Hussain, were caught red-handed while transporting 39 kg hashish and 10 kg opium in a van (Kohat-C-2022) at the railways crossing Kot Addu Shumali.
The SHO said a 30-bore pistol was also recovered from their possession. Three separate cases have been registered against the drug-pushers, he added.
Meanwhile, Sarwar Shaheed police sources told APP that two drug-pushers of Peshawar Iftikhar Hussain and Alamgir, were apprehended on June 2, with a huge quantity of narcotics, including about ten maund charas and 60 kg opium valued worth around Rs 30 million.
A huge quantity of ammunition, including 1600 rounds of semi-automatic rifle, 160 rounds of 222 rifle and 295 bullets of 30-bore pistol was also recovered from the drug-traffickers.
They have been remanded to police custody till June 9, said sources, adding that the contraband was being carried in the boot of a car with a fake registration number (LPX-6473).
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