It appears as a stunt of clairvoyance when experts display their tactical play at the bridge table. One wonders how it is ever possible for an even above average bridge player to handle the card so superbly like experts.
It is perhaps one of the reasons why the game of bridge is most interesting intellectual exercise to be sought after for unusual indoor performing art. To further explain the point, a hand is reproduced below that was played by less known bridge players internationally.
The tournament was Spingold Master Knockout Teams, championship held in 1979. Fred Hamilton was sitting in the south position and his partner Robert D Hamman occupied the north position. Other pair of team playing in the open room were Bobby Wolf and Ira S.Rubin. This was the second deal of the second round of the championship. Fred Hamilton opened the bidding with 2 clubs strong and forcing till the partnership reached a slam in hearts on the hand and bidding indicated as under:
(1) Key Card Blackwood showing 0 or 3 key cards
On the bidding shown as above the South was fully confident of a small slam in hearts with his double suited nearly packed holding.
Therefore, he redoubled the penalty double from the East. West led the club K when the dummy came down the South literally jumped with joy and felt a little sorry for not bidding grand slam in spades or hearts as there appeared no defence for making a small slam in hearts suit as trumps.
But at the next his face showed unexpected seriousness and mysterious thoughtfulness as the contract was doubled. Why? On the lead of King of clubs Fred went into a meditation to assess the bid of 3 clubs by the West and double by the East.
Somehow arriving at a possible way of tackling the cards the South won the lead with the ace of clubs and moved the ace of hearts from hand only to know the shocking distribution of card when the West showed out.
That gave him the clue to the probability outstanding spades. He at this point moved 2 of spades inspired by the streak of super human intellect, that trick was very cheaply won by the West with 4 of spades.
And on the signal from the East with a small club he shifted to the diamond suit.
The Jack of diamond from the dummy was covered by East with the Queen that South ruffed with small heart in hand and moved gallantly moved another small spade from hand and ruffed it in dummy with the King of hearts and played a small trump from dummy and finessed 9 of hearts and finally drew the outstanding trumps to clam the contract of six hearts.
The only line of play to make the contract. It was a brilliant piece of attracted attention of bridge commentators and columnist in all the bridge centers the world over.
=================================================== North West East South =================================================== S 3 S J 10964 S ------- S A K Q 8752 H K 863 H ---- H 10754 H A Q J 92 D K J 9654 D 82 D A Q 1073 D --------- C 65 C K Q J 1087 C 9432 C A ===================================================
======================================= South West North East ======================================= F.Hamilton R.D Hamman 2 C 3 C 3 D Pass 3 S Pass 4 D Pass 4 H Pass 4 NT Pass 5C (1) Dbl 6 H Dbl Rdbl Pass Pass Pass =======================================
GOLDEN TIPS: Many such deals offer the opportunity to tackle the intricate problem. Watch out and bring your brilliance into play for the sheer joy for years.
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