Deepening and widening of navigational channel at a cost of Rs 5267 million and establishment of two desalination plants at a collective cost of $320 million each would soon be undertaken by the Port Qasim Authority (PQA).
The above projects, besides several others are part of the ambitious development plan PQA has embarked upon to cater to the growing shipping requirements and to increase efficiencies.
THESE INCLUDE: establishment of liquid cargo terminal on BOT basis, establishment of Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG) terminal, grains handling and storage facilities on BOO basis, and establishment of Pakistan Textile City Limited.
Interestingly, Port Qasim is one of the largest revenue generation sources to the national exchequer, value adding to GDP. During the last financial year (2004-05), the Collectorate of Customs at Port Qasim collected Rs 62 billion in the form of duties and taxes on imports passing through the port.
To facilitate efficient handling of edible oil, a dedicated liquid cargo terminal at a cost of $11.4 million with a designed capacity of four million tonnes per annum is proposed to be constructed at the port. Implementation agreement was signed during December 2004. The project is scheduled to be completed in 24 months from the date of signing of the implementation agreement.
Liquefied Petroleum Gas terminal at the port is being developed by a Malaysian firm Progas on BOT basis at a cost of $25 million. It will have the capacity to receive vessel upto 30,000 DWT. The project is scheduled to be completed this month.
Board of Investment (BOI) has assigned PQA for allotment of the land at PQA. The project is to cater for construction of the Silos having capacity of 50,000 tonnes with allied infrastructure, including conveyor belt and un-loaders. The project is to be completed in 6-9 months after signing of agreement.
In the present scenario of WTO regime, the government of Pakistan has decided to establish special export processing zone at PQA, to be called as Textile City. PQA has already allotted 700 acres of land and possession handed over on January 19, 2005. The Textile City will provide all infrastructure facilities necessary for optimal operations of textile companies.
The project cost is expected to be Rs 3.6 billion excluding power plant and wastewater treatment plant that would cost Rs 5.1 billion.
Two desalination plants at a collective cost of $320 million each with 25 MGD are planned to be set up at the port. An agreement had been signed with M/s Enviro-Management Inc, USA on August 17, 2005 for allotment of 2x20 acres of land for setting up proposed desalination plants. Project completion period is end 2007. The feasibility study of the project would be carried out under the auspices of United States Trade Development Agency (USTDA), through M/s Enviro Management Inc.
To facilitate the trade, PQA plans deepening and widening of navigational channel at a cost of Rs 5267 million. The project envisages dredging of 20 million cubic meter to provide 13.5 meters all weather draught at the port. PC-1 had been approved by the Central Development Working Party (CDWP) on September 17, 2005 and awaits approval of Ecnec. Project completion period is two years.
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