The Irrigation authorities of Punjab have agreed to release 3,500 cusecs of water by closing its canals at Panjnad Headworks. This was decided after discussing the issue in detail by Indus River System Authority (IRSA) with Irrigation authorities Punjab on Tuesday.
As per water account prepared up to March 20, 2006, some discrepancy was found regarding the shortages experienced by the Punjab and Sindh provinces.
The issue was referred to the irrigation authorities of Punjab on which they explained that due to deficient rains there was some demand of water on Indus Main Stem as the standing wheat crop was at maturity stage.
The IRSA authorities expressed the hope that water account for both the provinces will get balanced by end of March.
Meanwhile, Indus River System Authority (IRSA) on Tuesday discharged 68,511 cusecs water from various rim stations. An overall water inflow from various reservoirs recorded on Tuesday was 85,095 cusecs.
Water level at Tarbela Dam was 1,375.41 feet. The present water level at the dam was six feet higher than the dead level of 1,369 feet.
Water inflow at the dam was recorded at 19,200 cusecs while outflow was 15,000 cusecs. The water level at Mangla Dam was recorded at 1071 feet which was 31 feet higher than the dead level of 1040 feet.
Water inflow at the dam was recorded at 30,384 cusecs while outflow was also recorded at 18,000 cusecs.
The contribution of Kabul and Chenab rivers was recorded at 15,300 cusecs and 20,211 cusecs, respectively.
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