Punjab University vice-chancellor Arshad Mahmood on Tuesday inaugurated the 26th All Pakistan Congress of Zoology. Speaking on the occasion, Arshad said that Pakistan is basically an agricultural country where two third of its 135 million population is dependent directly or indirectly on agriculture.
So discipline of Zoology has to play a very crucial role in spreading knowledge and disseminating scientific information in different disciplines of animal sciences.
He said that livestock production is an integral part of Pakistan's agricultural system and plays a pivotal role in its economy by providing principal sources for essential items of human diet in the form of milk, meat, etc.
The University, therefore, has undertaken research projects on characterisation and over-expression of growth hormones and established School of Biological Sciences, Department of Microbiology and Molecular Genetics, Honeybee Research Farm and Fish Research Farm.
Registrar Punjab University Professor Dr Muhammad Naeem Khan stressed the need for standardisation and modernisation of curricula of Zoology. He requested the vice-chancellor to establish Museum of Natural Sciences, Centre of Excellence in Aquaculture and Centre for Biodiversity Conservation.
President Zoological Society of Pakistan, Dr A R Shakoori said that the society was established in 1968 in Dacca and it is organising conferences regularly for promotion of Science and Zoology in all its branches, both pure and applied. He requested that bureaucratic processes should be relaxed for PhD research in Zoology.
Later, the vice-chancellor distributed shields and medals amongst scientists from Pakistan and abroad.
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