Partly Facetious: are they equal?
"You know in the US a President can't have more than two terms..."
"Our Prime Ministers are the equivalent of a US President, so that is why we need to limit the terms of our PMs."
"Are our PMs really equal to a US President in terms of power?"
"Are they equal?"
"Are they equal?"
"OK, so they are not if we have the amendment that empowers the president to dismiss assemblies at his whim and if we have a man with a uniform..."
"And at present your ifs represent the real picture?"
"Yes, I guess."
"And given our history haven't your ifs been facts for a lot longer than you have been alive?"
"So should we consider our PMs equal to a US President in terms of power?"
"I guess not. But what are you suggesting?"
"I am suggesting that both the President and the Prime Minister be allowed a maximum of two year term."
"So Musharraf is still in, in that case."
"Ah I see. You think in terms of policy, not individuals."
"Don't be factious. In this country we always think of personalities."
"True, and that is specially what we are all thinking of these days. Will he get himself reelected before the general elections, in which case he will know who was loyal to him or get himself reelected after the general elections..."
"When he may not be elected..."
"If wishes were horses..."
"Are we back to that rationale?"
"OK, but if he is not reelected he can dismiss the assemblies and..."
"I think he will actually turn many others, currently not categorised as Lotas, to his point of view, shall we say."
"But he would still have to do hectic lobbying and he won't be in the driving seat for once..."
"The amendment empowering him to dismiss..."
"I give up."
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