Punjab Chief Minister, Sardar Dost Muhammad Khan Khosa has said that the situation has changed due to the power of peoples' vote, the days of dictatorship are over and now the masses will rule the country and not bureaucracy. A new era of genuine democracy has ushered in the country, he added.
He was addressing a public meeting in the village Nole Kot in District Kasur adjacent to Lahore on Saturday. Members of national and provincial assembly of Pakistan Muslim League Nawaz (PML-N) and Pakistan Peoples Party (PPP) as well as Nazims and councillors were also present on the occasion. Sardar Dost Muhammad Khosa said that he had brought the message of love from PML-N leadership for all party members of Kasur.
He said that present leadership believed in serving the masses and would come up to the expectations of the people. He stressed upon party workers to continue to further the mission of public service as they did in the recent years.
He said that a process of development had been launched and the people will soon reap its benefits. He eulogised the services of PML workers for the people and restoration of democracy and said that these would always be remembered. He said that the bogus cases registered on political grounds against the party members during pervious era would be withdrawn and the wrongs done against them would be rectified.
Earlier, the Chief Minister presided over a meeting of assembly members from Kasur and reviewed law and order, prices of essential items, supply and availability situation of flour and wheat in the area. RPO Anwar Virk, DCO Kasur Abdul Jabbar Shaheen, DPO Kasur Abbas Qureshi, DD Finance and DDO Revenue Kasur were also present in the meeting. The Chief Minister directed to overcome the food, wheat and flour problems and maintain law and order situation.
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