Technology and business incubation centers are proven means of supporting a knowledge-based economy, and fostering market oriented technological developments. This is typically accomplished by bringing together academic, business and governmental organisations and supporting their efforts through incentives afforded by governmental policies.
NUST takes privilege that it pioneered the first Technology incubation Center (TIC) in September 2004 and has since assisted many Incubatee companies. Higher Education commission's latest initiative of technology commercialisation through Technology Parks will provide a platform for transformation of technologies into commercial products, promote entrepreneurial culture and bring about significant positive change in the Society.
NUST with its over 500 strong faculty lead by a team of visionary leaders and its collaborations with reputed foreign universities, stands prepared more than ever before, to advance this national cause. However, the success of this effort is not without challenges that demand serious consideration of HEC and government of Pakistan.
Special policies, inventive and resources need to be determined and put in place to start this journey towards Entrepreneurial Society and promotion of successful business ventures leading to national prosperity.
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