Partly Facetious: The most secure of Pakistan
"Four people get protocol in terms of security that a truly big shot should get."
"Let me guess the names."
"That would be an easy one. And if you don't get it right your political astuteness will be suspect in my book."
"Number one has to be Gilani."
"Can Gilani be really number one, my politically stupid friend?"
"I didn't mean he is number one, I meant he is one of the four."
"That's right."
"Number two would be AZ - the ruler behind the throne."
"And what a throne it is!"
"AZ wants the throne but none of the responsibility if you know what I mean."
"I certainly do and let me add it was just lucky for Mian Sahib that he pulled out his people from the cabinet, otherwise what is happening to the economy now would have been laid squarely at Dar's doorstep."
"That's true, anyway the third name may be Nawaz Sharif."
"Right again as the leader of the Opposition who is not elected yet."
"Who also claims he was not taken on board with respect to the kill Taliban operation launched by the Zardari Government."
"Right but he is given the same protocol as Zardari."
"And who is the fourth?"
"In Musharraf's dreams!"
"Not the ANP leader I am sure."
"What about...about..."
"Give up?"
"Is he a member of the Cabinet? Is he elected?"
"Yes, to the first with one rider: as and when he chooses to be; and no to the second."
"Rehman Malik?"
"Right, I mean considering he is incharge of the police why shouldn't he give himself all the perks."
"Indeed, why not? But that means security for others..."
"Hush, this is Pakistan after all. How is he acting any different from others we have had in the past?" "That is certainly true."
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