The ongoing US drone attacks on suspected terrorists and their hideout in FATA are major cause of unease for Pakistan as despite criticism from almost all circles within the country US administration looks adamant to continue these attacks as US Defence Secretary Robert Gates made it clear that drone attacks would go on and it has been conveyed to Pakistan.
Pakistan on the other hand denied receiving any written orders from USA, neither it agrees to any deal between the two countries for drone attacks against al Qaeda and Taliban hideouts in tribal areas. Mere condemnations are helpless to stop these attacks which are a clear violation of country's sovereignty.
If we refresh our memory Karzai-led government in Afghanistan has long been accusing and complaining that militants hiding along Pakistan side of Afghan border are carrying out attacks in their country to undermine security and are the main cause of instability in the war-ravaged country.
It is true that there are a large number of foreign militants, mostly Chechens, Uzbeks and Egyptians, who are operating in these areas and media reports say that in every drone attack in FATA some al Qaeda leaders are killed.
Pakistan could not stop these elements from carrying out attacks in Afghanistan since Pak-Afghan border is porous and difficult to be manned, still it did put army on the western border to stop infiltration into Afghanistan.
Seeing the inability of Pakistan to stop these attacks US decided last year to undertake drone attacks in these areas. Some media reports also suggest that Musharraf-led government in 2008 allowed drone attacks on suspected al Qaeda hideouts in Pakistan's tribal area, that was never endorsed by the latter.
The situation in Swat is also very alarming where on the one hand government has failed to establish its writ and on the other hand military operation has not achieved full success. There are reports that local Taliban are still operating illegal FM radio to circulate their agenda and take strict action against those who defy. They have destroyed many girls schools in the area and are imposing their own type of Islam and spreading radicalism.
These two factors are the main source of instability in the country and creating impediments in the way of PPP led government that is striving hard to overcome many challenges.

Copyright Business Recorder, 2009


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