Pakistan Peoples Party (PPP) is seriously considering a bold step against PML-N led Punjab government after announcement of PML-Q's forward block to support the latter in the upcoming Senate elections. They might even take into account toppling of the PML-N led provincial government in collaboration with the PML-Q to block its moves vis-a-vis supporting the lawyers' long march and gaining maximum Senate seats.
Both the factors, the Senate elections and the lawyers' long march are of major concern to the PPP as both the steps would be instrumental in destabilising the federal government.
According to sources, PPP has started fresh contacts with PML-Q to form a coalition government in Punjab, forcing the PML-N to sit on the opposition benches to end the use of what these parties feel official machinery of the provincial government which may destabilise the federal government. Sources further added that the change in the provincial government is eminent but the PPP leaders are also waiting for the decision of the apex court on the disqualification petition of Sharif brothers.
The latest development in which over 30 MPAs of the PML-Q forward block are extending support to PML-N in the Senate election is also a pinching development for the PPP and PML-Q as far as the election in the upper house is concerned and both parties feel that further delay in changing the provincial government could prove more disastrous for these two parties.
PML-Q senior leaders including Chaudhri brothers are also in close contact with the PPP and had held clandestine meetings in this regard. However, some PML-Q parliamentarians are opposing to go with PPP and are in favour of joining hand with its mother party PML-N. On the other hand, Chaudhry brothers strongly feel that their political influence would definitely end if they join PML-N.
Chaudhris also consider that their support to PPP on one hand would keep intact the independent identity of the party and on the other hand its split could stop once the members bag some position in the provincial government. In addition, PPP has assured PML-Q of giving major share in the Punjab government as well as ensuring to support party President Shujaat Hussain and Secretary General Mushahid Hussain enter the Upper House from Punjab.
However, some of the PML-N senior leaders are also making hectic efforts to bring PML-Q in their fold in a bid to save the provincial government. The difference of opinion and wait and see policy of Chaudhris of Gujrat is the main hurdle as far as the future strategy is concerned, the sources added. However, these sources are of the strong belief that there could be any significant political development in the province before the Senate elections.
A senior leader in PML-N when contacted for comments, on condition of anonymity said that Punjab government is not at the mercy of federal government as we have not been given the provincial government in charity. Instead, he said the provincial government has been formed through democratic process by gaining major seats in the province. PML-N has warned of serious repercussions if any such move by the PPP led-federal government, saying that the government is already at a critical juncture and such a move would further derail the democratic process.

Copyright Business Recorder, 2009


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