Seraiki Inqilabi Council (SIC) chief Muzaffar Hussain Magsi has strongly reacted to the statement of Muttahida Qaumi Movement (MQM) chief Altaf Hussain and has said that there are no training camps of al Qaeda or Taliban in the Seraiki zone. Agencies and government were propagating against this zone to crush the Seraiki movement, he said.
Addressing a press conference, SIC chief said that Altaf Hussain had urged the people of Punjab to rise against Taliban and resist the spread of Talibanisation in the country. He said that MQM was making an abortive attempt to penetrate in Punjab. SIC chief said it was a fact that Taliban were a threat to the country as they wanted to disintegrate the federation but it was not the problem of southern Punjab alone.
Criticising Tehrik Nifaz Shariat-e-Mohammadi Chief Sufi Mohammad, Magsi questioned the kind of Shariah being imposed by him on Swat, which barred women from seeking knowledge. He said Muslims believe in the teachings of the Holy Prophet (SAW), who had always urged his followers to seek knowledge.
"What kind of Islam is this in which schools of girls are being destroyed and restrictions imposed on them from coming out of their houses to seek knowledge," he said, adding that the cruel treatment meted out to women and young girls in Swat was condemnable. SIC chief asserted that the Shariah of Sufi Mohammad and the Taliban was against the teachings of the Holy Prophet (SAW) and unacceptable to the nation.
He said that Seraiki people are very sweet and peace loving people but some elements are trying to create Swat-like situation in this area. He called upon the 'Seraikistan' movement activists to forge unity in their ranks by shedding their differences and they should foil the nefarious designs of the anti-Seraiki elements
Condemning the attacks on saints' shrines, Magassi said the mausoleums of all Sufis and religious figures, including Hazrat Ali Hajveri (Hazrat Data Ganj Bakhsh), Hazrat Bahauddin Zikiriya, Hazrat Shah Rukn-i-Alam,Hazrat Moosa Pak Shaheed, Lal Shahbaz Qalandar, Bab Bulley Shah, Khawaja Fareed , Bab Fareed Ganj Shakar and Rehman Baba, were sacred places and bombing or destroying them could not be accepted.
He came hard on the Taliban for destroying the shrine of Rehman Baba and said such acts by the fanatics did not portray the teachings of Islam. Urging the political leadership to feel the gravity of the situation, the SIC leader said the leaders of 'Seraikistan' must break silence and strive together to block the way of Anti Seraikistan forces.

Copyright Business Recorder, 2009


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