Sri Lankan troops broke through Tamil Tiger defences on Tuesday and the government brushed off Western criticism of civilian deaths as part of a rebel-orchestrated bid for a last-minute reprieve. The rebels, cornered in a coastal strip where they have held tens of thousands of civilians, for a third day accused the military of shelling the 2.5 square km (1 sq mile) no-fire zone, this time killing 45 people.
Fury, blame and recriminations from both sides have flared in the closing days of Asia's longest modern war, after the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE) said hundreds of civilians were killed in artillery barrages starting on Sunday. The allegations are impossible to verify, since the war zone is sealed off to most outsiders and those inside cannot be considered fully independent.
The Sri Lankan military on Tuesday said soldiers and special forces troops had advanced across a narrow causeway into the south of the no-fire zone, leaving the Tigers surrounded on all sides and opening another escape route for civilians. "When forces move forward, civilians have the pathway and are confident to move out," defence spokesman Keheliya Rambukwella told reporters.
More than 116,000 civilians fled in the days after troops broke a rebel barricade, which the government said refuted the LTTE assertion that people had chosen to stay and be part of its goal of building a separate nation for the Tamil minority. UN aid agencies are shipping food and medical supplies through Sri Lanka's health ministry and other official gateways, to help those who have fled.
Emily Casella of the World Food Programme said many of the civilians fleeing the war zone appeared "significantly undernourished," having gone for days without proper meals. The LTTE alleges Sri Lanka is trying to starve people, while the government says it is the Tigers who intercept food aid for their fighters first and then parcel out the remainder.
LTTE peace secretariat head Seevaratnam Puleedevan told Reuters the army had attacked a makeshift hospital on Tuesday, killing 45 people. Sri Lanka denied responsibility, accusing the LTTE of generating "shock and outrage at supposed atrocities" by forcing government-employed doctors in the war zone to give out false death tolls.

Copyright Reuters, 2009


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