Home Secretary Theresa May said Sunday she was "actively" considering whether to ban firebrand US pastor Terry Jones from entering Britain to speak to far-right activists. He has been invited to an English Defence League (EDL) rally to speak out "against the evils and destructiveness of Islam".
Jones caused a domestic and international firestorm earlier this year after threatening to torch hundreds of Qurans - the holy book of Islam - to mark the anniversary of the September 11, 2001 attacks.
The EDL has emerged in the past couple of years to fight against what it says is the spread of militant Islam in Britain.
Jones' website says he intends to visit an EDL rally on February 5 in Luton, a town north of London which has a significant Muslim minority.
"During the protest, Dr Terry Jones, will speak against the evils and destructiveness of Islam in support of the continued fight against the Islamification of England and Europe," the website says.
May has the power to exclude or deport an individual if she thinks their presence in Britain could threaten public order or national security.
"Of course the home secretary has the right to exclude people who are not conducive to public good or on national security grounds," she told Sky News television.

Copyright Agence France-Presse, 2010


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