Slight recovery was seen in the value of the rupee against dollar on the currency market on Friday, experts said. The rupee gained nine paisa in relation to dollar for buying at 85.28 and picked up 10 paisa for selling at 85.32, they said. In the final session of Asia trade yen fell broadly and slumped to a two-week low against dollar after a major earthquake struck Japan and triggered a slide in Japanese shares.
INTERBANK MARKET RATES: The dollar climbed as high as around 83.29 yen, dollar's highest since February 22, rising from around 82.80 yen on news of the quake, which the US Geological Survey said was measured at magnitude 8.9. Tokyo shares extended their losses, and JGB futures surged after the earthquake. The dollar last stood at 83.15 yen up 0.2 percent from late US trade on Thursday. The euro climbed 0.4 percent against yen to 114.84 yen.
The euro rose 0.1 percent against dollar to $1.3815, stabilising after steep falls in the previous session but it remained vulnerable to a sell-off if a euro zone summit later in the day fails to ease concerns about sovereign debt.
Indian rupee was trading at Rs 45.18 versus dollar, Malaysian ringgit was available at 3.0355 in relation to the US dollar and Chinese yuan was at 6.5731 in terms of the greenback.
OPEN MARKET RATES: The rupee rose by five paisa against dollar for buying and selling at 85.20 and 85.40, they added. The rupee maintained its surge in terms of euro, rising by Rs 1.02 for buying and selling at Rs 116.99 and Rs 117.49, they added.
Open Buying Rs 85.28
Open Selling Rs 85.32
Interbank Closing Rates: Interbank Closing Rates For Dollar on Friday.
Buying Rs 85.20
Selling Rs 85.40
Repo Rates (Yield p a)
Tenor Low Bid High Bid Low Offer High Offer Average
Overnight 12.75 13.20 13.00 13.25 13.05
1-Week 12.25 12.95 12.90 13.00 12.78
2-Week 12.30 12.95 12.95 13.00 12.80
1-Month 12.40 12.95 12.95 13.00 12.83
2-Months 12.50 13.15 13.15 13.25 13.01
3-Months 12.50 13.20 13.20 13.30 13.05
4-Months 13.00 13.30 13.25 13.35 13.23
5-Months 13.20 13.45 13.40 13.50 13.39
6-Months 13.35 13.50 13.45 13.55 13.46
9-Months 13.40 13.60 13.50 13.65 13.54
1-Year 13.45 13.60 13.55 13.65 13.56
Call Rates (Yield p a)
Tenor Low Bid High Bid Low Offer High Offer Average
Overnight 12.75 13.25 13.00 13.30 13.08
1-Week 12.50 13.10 13.15 13.25 13.00
2-Week 12.60 13.15 13.10 13.25 13.03
1-Month 12.70 13.25 13.10 13.30 13.09
2-Months 13.00 13.40 13.30 13.50 13.30
3-Months 13.10 13.60 13.40 13.70 13.45
4-Months 13.25 13.65 13.45 13.75 13.53
5-Months 13.40 13.70 13.50 13.75 13.59
6-Months 13.50 13.75 13.70 13.90 13.71
9-Months 13.60 13.80 13.75 13.95 13.78
1-Year 13.50 13.90 13.80 14.00 13.80
RUPEE IN LAHORE: The Pak rupee depreciated its worth by 10-paisa in relation to the greenback in the local currency markets on Friday.
According to the moneychangers, the dollar resumed trading at Rs 85.30 (buying) and Rs 85.55 (selling) against Rs 85.20 and Rs 85.50 of Thursday. In the wake of fresh buying activity, the dollar witnessed appreciation in its worth and was closed at Rs 85.35 and Rs 85.60 on buying and selling counters, respectively. However, some of the dealers quoted selling rate of the dollar as Rs 85.55.
On the other hand, the rupee-pound parity remained unchanged at the local kerb. The British Pound opened at Rs 137.00 (buying) and Rs 138.00 (selling) against the previous rate. It did not witness any change in the evening session and closed at Rs 137.00 (buying) and Rs 138.00 (selling), the moneychangers added.
RUPEE IN ISLAMABAD AND RAWALPINDI: The dollar-rupee parity remained unchanged at the currency exchange establishments of Islamabad and Rawalpindi here on Friday.
The dollar resumed trading at Rs 85.95 (buying) and Rs 86.20 (selling) against the last rate. It did not observe further change in the evening session and closed at Rs 85.95 (buying) and Rs 86.20 (selling).
Pound Sterling opened at Rs 136.30 (buying) and Rs 136.75 (selling) against the previous rate. It did not witness any change in the evening session and closed at Rs 136.30 (buying) and Rs 136.75 (selling).
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