National Highway Authority (NHA) would spend Rs 1.4 billion to construct of Khushhal Garh Bridge across River Indus on Rawalpindi-Kohat Highway (N-80) in three packages. A source in the NHA told APP on Sunday that project design has been completed and project concept (PC-1) of Rs 1720 million has been recommended by NHA Executive Board and forwarded for approval by CDWP/ECNEC.
Under the plan the NHA would construct a four-lane Bridge across River Indus as award of construction contract has been approved by NHA Executive Board subject to approval of PC-I. An approach Roads-Kohat and Fatehjang side would also be part of the project.
The bridge has been designed by NHA, which would construct, operate and maintain it. The new bridge will be a two-lane, two-way bridge, fit for all types of road traffic as per Highway Safety Ordinance.
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