Chief Minister Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Ameer Haider Khan Hoti on Tuesday said that KP had huge oil and gas reserves which needed to be exploited to bring economic prosperity in the province. Presiding over a meeting on oil and gas in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, the chief minister said that government was committed to attract more and more investment in oil and gas sector.
The establishment of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Oil and Gas Company reflected this commitment of the provincial government, he added. Those who attended the meeting included Chief Executive MOL Company Erno Liptik, senior Provincial Minister for Planning and Development Rahim Dad Khan, Provincial Information Minister Mian Iftikhar Hussein, Political Advisor MOL Murtaza Abbas and Raja Gul Faraz and other officials of the company and provincial government.
Hoti lauded the role of MOL Company in exploration of oil and gas in the province. He said that collective efforts were needed to utilise the rich natural resources of the province. The chief minister said that royalty earned from oil and gas would be utilised for provision of basic needs of life including clean drinking water to the people of the province. The meeting reviewed matters pertaining to new discoveries under MOL Company in Tal Block.
The construction of new bridge over River Indus under MOL Pakistan also came under discussion in the meeting. The bridge will be completed in two years with a cost of Rs 1,700 million. The meeting was informed that new reservoirs of oil had been discovered at Makori. The chief minister assured full co-operation of the provincial government to the company.
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