KARACHI: The year 2021 marked the 25th Anniversary of Ziauddin University founded in 1996 by Dr Asim Hussain and the family, who extended the legacy of their great grandfather, Sir Ziauddin Ahmad in Pakistan.

On the occasion of the Silver Jubilee Celebrations, Ziauddin Alumni from across the globe united from 18th to 25th December for a 25th Grand Alumni Reunion. The event featured a range of exciting talks from the senior alumni including the scientific session on research, education, and the way forward. Over 250 alumni registered for the hybrid event of gala dinner on 25th December at a local hotel and received a wide appreciation and response.

The event opened with a recitation from Holy Quran, played the national anthem and ZU Anthem, and the welcome address by the Dean Faculty of Health Sciences, Dr Abbas Zafar. Alumni members paid a tribute to the deceased alumni, students, faculty, and Ziauddin family members.

The Chancellor, Dr. Asim Hussain appreciated the participation of senior alumni in the Grand Alumni Reunion and invited them to come back and participate in giving back to the country in healthcare research, innovation, and service delivery. He also emphasized the importance of alumni association with the alma mater and highlighted the achievements of Ziauddin University over the years.

Dr Asim Hussain also shared his early experiences of founding the university and how this curation of legacy was the undertaking that was both personally and professionally important for him and his family’s vision for the future.

The event was graced by the speeches of the Vice-Chancellor and founding faculty members, and the presentation by the Founding President Ziauddin University Alumni Association (ZUAA) Dr Kamran Iqbal, followed by the dinner. The university remembers the contribution of Dr Aijaz Fatima, Dr Tajammul Hussain. Prof Naeem A Jafarey, the founding Vice-Chancellor of Ziauddin Medical College who transformed the culture of the university with his exemplary leadership.

“It was a great event and connected 25 years of journey,” says Prof Dr Rubina Hussain Chairperson OB&GY. “Thank you for providing us with these amazing opportunities to connect! I loved the talks and the networking opportunities – and especially the virtual platform! I really enjoyed participating!” commented the alumni member.

Copyright Business Recorder, 2021


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