KARACHI: Karachi Shipping Intelligence report incorporating changes till 7 am on Tuesday (December 06, 2022).

Alongside East Wharf
Berth             Ship           Working        Agent                Berthing
No.                                                                      Date
OP-1              Jag            Disc           Trans              03-12-2022
                  Aparna         Mogas          Maritimes
OP-2              M.T            Disc Crude     Pakistan National
                 .Karachi        Oil            Ship Corpt         06-12-2022
B-2               SG Pegasus     Disc Chemical  Alpine Marine
                                                Services (Pvt)     05-12-2022
Nmb-1             Al             Load           Latif Trading      11-11-2022
                  Sabri          Rice           Company
Nmb-2             Al             Load Wheat     Latif Trading      10-11-2022
                  Fager          Straw          Company
Alongside WEST Wharf
Sapt-3            Gfs            Disc Load      Eastwind Shipping
                  Prestige       Container      Company            06-12-2022
Expected Sailing
Name of           Expected       Expected ArrivaL                       Agent
Vessel            Date           Cargo
Thorswind         06-12-2022     Disc Load                            Diamond
                                 Container                  Shipping Services
Sibi              06-12-2022     Load General               Pakistan National
                                 Cargo                             Ship Corpt
Expected Arrivals
Independent       06-12-2022     D/L Container                        Riazeda
Spirit                                                              (Pvt) Ltd
Sinar             07-12-2022     D/5500 Chemical            Eastwind Shipping
 Malahayati                                                       Company Ltd
Osaka             07-12-2022     D/L Container                    Hapag-Lloyd
Express                                                      Pakistan Pvt Ltd
Wide Juliet       07-12-2022     D/L Container                  Ocean Network
                                                             Express Pakistan
X-Press           07-12-2022     D/L Container                X-Press Feeders
Anglesey                                                      Shipping Agency
Ship Sailed
Name of           Departure      Ships Departures                       Agent
Vessel            Date           Cargo
Dalian            06-12-2022     Container Ship                             -
Bhum              06-12-2022     Container Ship                             -
G Bright          06-12-2022     Tanker                                     -
Ulriken           06-12-2022     Tanker                                     -

Copyright Business Recorder, 2022


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