LAHORE: Punjab health authorities have received IT equipment, lab supplies and resource material from the World Health Organisation (WHO) in a ceremony at the Directorate General Health Services Punjab.

WHO Representative, Head of Mission Pakistan Dr Palitha Mahipala gave away 1515 android tablets, 5000 VPD Case Definition Wall Mounts, 5000 Adverse Events Following Immunization (AEFI) Kits, 9600 MR Kits and 1000 Throat Swabs/Oral Fluids for Sample collection to Director General Health Services Punjab.

The android tablets shall be exclusively used by surveillance staff on a tailor-made app, developed to streamline real time VPDs case reporting. The Wall Mounts Charts shall be placed at the health facilities for quick, single-glance understanding of case definitions.

The AEFI management kits shall be used for prompt management by doctors trained on using life-saving medicines. MR Sample Collection Kits and Throat Swabs/Oral Fluids shall be utilized for sample collection required for serological and molecular testing by lab staff.

Director General Health Services Punjab Dr Ilyas Gondal received the items in the ceremony attended by Director EPI Punjab Dr Mukhtar Ahmed, programme managers, WHO and UNICEF provincial officials.

Welcoming the support from the WHO, Dr Ilyas Gondal said, “The equipment and supplies will hugely strengthen the Expanded Programme on Immunization especially the surveillance of Vaccine Preventable Diseases. The WHO is providing immense support to Punjab across a wide range of interventions. The support, both technical and financial, has rendered invaluable contribution to strengthening the healthcare system in the province.”

It may be added that the EPI is custodian of all immunization activities in the province. It not only provides free vaccines against 12 fatal diseases to children but also operates a large-scale VPD surveillance system that collects and consolidates data from all districts and keeps a close watch on real and potential outbreaks.

Dr Ilyas Gondal said, “Credible surveillance data remains eyes and ears of the programme. The programme always looks up to the WHO to provide standards, guidelines and strategies to improve and develop a flawless VPD surveillance system. More recently, with WHO support, Punjab has started sentinel surveillance sites at nine teaching hospitals of the province for five diseases.”

Dr Palitha Mahila said that strong surveillance is integral component of an efficient healthcare system. He assured that the WHO shall continue to provide support to the government of the Punjab in key healthcare interventions.

Copyright Business Recorder, 2023


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Sajjad Hafeez Aug 15, 2023 11:24am
Great support to Punjab. Must be used for larger public good.
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