YANGON: Myanmar’s junta has sentenced to death three brigadier generals who surrendered with hundreds of troops and handed over a strategic town on the Chinese border to ethnic minority fighters last month, military sources told AFP on Monday.

“Three brigadier generals including the commander of Laukkai town were given the death sentence,” a military source told AFP on condition of anonymity, as they were not authorised to talk to the media. Another military source confirmed the sentencing.

Hundreds of troops surrendered in Laukkai in northern Shan state to the so-called Three Brotherhood Alliance in January following months of fighting.

The surrender, one of the biggest losses for the military in decades, sparked rare public criticism of the junta by its supporters as it struggles to crush opposition to its 2021 coup.

Following the surrender, the officers and their troops were allowed to leave the area.

The two sources contacted by AFP did not give details on when the verdict had been given.


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