Print Print 2024-07-22

Lifeline power consumers: Govt working on a new subsidy

  • BISP in consultation with Power Division determining eligibility criteria for identifying potential consumers for electricity subsidy programme, sources say
Published July 22, 2024

ISLAMABAD: The government is reportedly giving final touches to its subsidy design for millions of lifeline electricity consumers across the country through Benazir Income Support Program (BISP) to be placed before the Federal Cabinet for final nod, well-informed sources told Business Recorder.

Sharing the details, sources said Power Division in collaboration with the BISP has proposed to implement this Electricity Subsidy Program. This initiative aims to transform the untargeted electricity subsidy to targeted one which is to help the underprivileged domestic electricity consumers across Pakistan. BISP will support the Power Division in identifying and targeting eligible families that can benefit from the electricity subsidy.

BISP in consultation with the Power Division is determining the eligibility criteria for identifying potential consumers for the electricity subsidy programme.

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The Power Division will specify the number of unique subsidies to be provided. BISP will then screen families from its database that have reported having electric connections starting from PMT and continuing until a cut-off score is reached’ which will specify total number of subsidies to be given by the Power Division. BISP will continue to register families that have not registered with the registry.

The Power Division will coordinate with the State Bank of Pakistan (SBP) for on boarding of the financial institutions/ banks for implementation of the subsidy and payment processing terms. This includes coordination with stakeholders covering all types of bill collection including Pakistan Post, Commercial Banks and Mobile Banking.

The Power Division will determine the number of families to be provided with the electricity subsidy. This information will be shared with BISP for the identification of potential eligible families for the subsidy program.

The Power Division through its technical resource will conduct a risk assessment of the subsidy design and will ensure placement of safeguards against risk areas.

The sources said BISP will use the National Socio Economic Registry (NSER) database to identify potential families based on the determined criteria and will share this information with the Power Division. The BISP will expose APIs for system level data integration.

According to sources, families not currently part of the NSER database will be mobilised for registration through 647 Dynamic Registration Centres (DRCs) established in every Tehsil across Pakistan.

Once the data of the potential eligible consumers is received from BISP, the Power Division will dispatch SMS messages co the identified families informing about their nomination for the subsidy program.

The consumer will visit the bank with the generated bill and will claim the subsidised payment. Biometric verification will be conducted to confirm the consumer’s identity. Once the identity is confirmed against the consumer’s CNIC, the representative of the financial institution will process the bill payment and adjust the subsidy amount accordingly.

Financial institutions and the Power Division will mutually agree on the periodicity for reconciling the collected subsidised bills.

Copyright Business Recorder, 2024


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T Jul 22, 2024 06:36am
thankyou for making it more difficult.
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Aam Aadmi Jul 22, 2024 08:24am
If you think extending such facilities to some people under programmes like Ehsas will expand your vote bank, you are wrong. The middle class not falling under Ehsas is equally affected.
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KU Jul 22, 2024 09:42am
This step is not the solution, poor as well as middle class suffers unaffordable utilities. IPPs have to be put on leash, as economic recovery is impossible due to rip off rates of electricity.
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Mumtaz Malik Jul 22, 2024 10:36am
Pakistan is an Islamic welfare state, but the Benazir Income Support Programme (BISP) seems to be focused only on the poor. It appears to be a political tool for the current governing party,
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Mumtaz Malik Jul 22, 2024 10:37am
It appears to be a political tool for the current governing party, used primarily to secure votes rather than to genuinely uplift the needy.
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Mumtaz Malik Jul 22, 2024 10:48am
The most important problem now facing Pakistan is the plight of the middle class, especially the "Swellmob." They are mentally depressed, struggling to find a means of survival for themselves.
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Mumtaz Malik Jul 22, 2024 10:52am
The Islamic Republic of Pakistan requires justice for everyone, from the President to the workers, and the budget should reflect this principle. Who can provide a clear definition?.
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Mumtaz Malik Jul 22, 2024 11:01am
The Bait al Maal department has been dismantled, and now the BISP programmed is turning men and women into beggars while also serving as a vote bank for the ruling political establishment.
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Mumtaz Malik Jul 22, 2024 11:08am
We respectfully request the Honourable Premier of Pakistan to consider, on merit, the struggles of the middle class, particularly those fighting to provide for their children’s education, food
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Mumtaz Malik Jul 22, 2024 11:09am
fuel, gas, and electricity bills, especially if they are also paying monthly rent for their homes. How can they fulfill their children's dreams of becoming engineers and doctors?
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Mumtaz Malik Jul 22, 2024 11:15am
We often cite examples from other countries, so why aren't we implementing similar systems in Pakistan? When preparing the budget,
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Mumtaz Malik Jul 22, 2024 11:15am
It should be examined to ensure that everyone, from the middle class to the President, pays their fair share from their own pockets.
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imdad kolori Jul 22, 2024 11:28am
just like BS 19 were getting free BISP, this would be no different.
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Abdul Salam Jul 22, 2024 11:33am
According to Budget 2024-2025 minimum wages of a worker are fixed Rs 37000/- per months. It is, therefore, requested that the EOBI pension must be 50% of a worker salary ie Rs 18500/- The Government and EOBI Officials must sympathetically think on it to solve the problems of senior citizens of Pakistan.
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Mumtaz Malik Jul 22, 2024 11:56am
I would like to give an example from just one country: the United States. The Social Security Programmed there is not only for the poor but for all who are in need.
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Mumtaz Malik Jul 22, 2024 11:57am
This programmed ensures support for everyone requiring assistance.
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Mumtaz Malik Jul 22, 2024 11:57am
Social Security is a federal program in the U.S. that provides retirement benefits and disability income to qualified individuals and their spouses, children, and survivors.
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Mumtaz Malik Jul 22, 2024 11:57am
Workers must be at least 62 years old and have paid into the system for 10 years or more to qualify for Social Security retirement benefits.
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Mumtaz Malik Jul 22, 2024 12:34pm
@Aam Aadmi, Nice observation and Analysis.
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