KARACHI: The Consul General of China in Karachi Yang Yundong has said China firmly supports Pakistan in defending its national sovereignty, independence and territorial integrity.

Pakistan and China have confirmed a “zero tolerance” stance against all forms of terrorism and further strengthening anti-terrorism security cooperation, the Chinese Consul General said while speaking at Meet the Press Programme at Karachi Press Club (KPC) here on Tuesday.

He said China supports Pakistan in independently choosing a development path that is in line with its national conditions, supports its efforts to maintain national security, stability, development and prosperity, its resolute fight against terrorism, its greater role in international and regional affairs.

“And we wish Pakistan to achieve socioeconomic development, prosperity, unity, stability and security”, he said. The active development of China-Pakistan relations will always remain a priority in China’s diplomacy, he added.

The Consul General said China has been on the path of rapid development since the late 1970s and early 1980s when it implemented the policies of reform and opening up. Pakistan has always been an important partner of China. In 2013, Chinese President Xi Jinping put forward the Belt and Road Initiative, and at the same year, China and Pakistan announced the launch of CPEC construction, making it an important pilot project of the Belt and Road Initiative. The two sides have adhered to the principles of extensive consultation, joint contribution and shared benefits, and have made significant achievements in corridor construction, changing Pakistan’s development landscape, benefiting Pakistani people’s livelihoods, and promoting integrated development of China and Pakistan.

Currently, the two sides will build on the achievements of the CPEC and jointly promote the implementation of the eight actions for high-quality BRI cooperation proposed by China, jointly developing five major corridors for growth, better life, innovation, green development and openness, creating an upgraded version of the CPEC construction, and aligning with Pakistan’s “5Es” framework which includes Exports, E-Pakistan, Environment and climate change, Energy and infrastructure and Equity and Empowerment to better benefit the two countries and peoples, he said.

In major cooperation, the two sides have included the upgrade and renovation of Main Line-1 (ML-1) project into the CPEC framework. It is recognised that ML-1 is of strategic significance to Pakistan’s socioeconomic development. Both sides agreed to accelerate the rerouting of the Karakoram Highway (Raikot to Thakot) and the upgrade of the Khunjerab-Sost Pass inspection infrastructure, striving for year-round opening of the Pass. Gwadar Port is a key node for regional connectivity, and the new Gwadar International Airport will be completed soon. Both sides agreed to speed up the construction of supporting facilities at Gwadar Port, so as to release the full potential of Gwadar Port as a transshipment cargo hub, he said.

He said industrial cooperation is the top priority for high-quality CPEC construction. China supports Pakistan’s industrialisation, encouraging Chinese enterprises to explore the opportunities to invest in Pakistan’s special economic zones under market-oriented and commercial principles, enhancing Pakistan’s industrial and export capabilities. It is hoped that Pakistan optimizes its business environment and provides more favourable policies for Chinese investment. He said mining cooperation is a key breakthrough in industrial cooperation, and both sides will actively promote Chinese enterprises to carry out investment and cooperation in the mining industry in Pakistan, and jointly strengthen the planning of mining industrial parks, including deep processing of minerals.

“Agriculture is a pillar industry in Pakistan, and both sides will carry out practical cooperation in seed technology, crop cultivation, drip irrigation, pest and disease control, agricultural mechanization, capacity cooperation, and technical exchanges in modern agriculture. Additionally, both sides will actively explore clean energy, artificial intelligence, financial technology, and even space cooperation.”

The Consul General said security and development are two inseparable sides of the same coin. Without security, there is no guarantee for development. During his meeting with Prime Minister Shahbaz, President Xi Jinping clearly stated that China supports Pakistan’s resolute fight against terrorism and hopes Pakistan continues to create a safe, stable, and predictable business environment, ensuring the safety of Chinese people, projects, and institutions in Pakistan.

The Pakistani side has made the commitment to resolutely combat and severely punish the terrorists, and will use all its strength to ensure the safety of Chinese people and institutions in Pakistan. Both sides confirmed a “zero tolerance” stance against all forms of terrorism and further strengthening anti-terrorism security cooperation. “We firmly believe that with strong guidance from the high-level consensus of the two countries and joint efforts of relevant departments, security cooperation between the two countries will surely reach a higher level, creating a safe environment and providing reliable guarantees for the development of China-Pakistan relations”, he added.

He informed that the Communist Party of China held its third plenary session of the 20th Central Committee in Beijing two weeks ago with the theme to closely focus on promoting Chinese modernisation and further deepening reform comprehensively. It is of great significance for China’s development and opening up in the coming years. In the next five years, all the reform tasks proposed in this session will be completed. The goal is to build a high-standard socialist market economy in all respects by 2035.

He said despite the uncertain international situation and the slow recovery of the world economy, China’s economy still maintains a good momentum of development. In the first half of this year, China’s GDP reached RMB 61.7 trillion, an increase of 5.0 percent year-on-year, which is still at the forefront of the world’s major economies. China has maintained its position as the world’s largest trading country in goods for seven consecutive years, and its international market shares in exports and imports has remained the first and the second respectively in the world for 15 consecutive years.

Meanwhile, China’s outbound investment has ranked among the top three in the world for 11 consecutive years, with capital flows covering 155 countries and regions around the world. In the first half of the year, China’s imports and exports exceeded 21 trillion yuan for the first time, up 6.1 percent year-on-year, with the growth rate of some indicators reaching double digits. Thanks to the strong performance of foreign trade, IMF raised the projection of China’s economic growth rate this year to 5.0 percent in its recently released “World Economic Outlook Report”.

He said Karachi Press Club is one of the earliest established journalists’ clubs in Pakistan and plays an irreplaceable role in integrating media resources and promoting communication. The Chinese Consulate General in Karachi has always maintained a good working relationship with KPC. Chinese Consulate General supports the continuous growth and development of KPC and will continue to provide all possible support.

Saeed Sarbazi, President KPC, in his speech said that the support extended by China has played a pivotal role in the economic development of Pakistan. This partnership has been marked by significant contributions, most notably in the realms of nuclear energy and the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC). “These initiatives have not only bolstered our infrastructure and energy capacities but have also paved the way for a brighter, more prosperous future for our people”, he said.

Chinese assistance in the field of nuclear energy has been instrumental in addressing energy needs in Pakistan, he said.

The CPEC project, a flagship initiative of the Belt and Road Initiative, has transformed the economic landscape of Pakistan. It has created jobs, enhanced trade, and opened new avenues for investment, he added.

Shoaib Ahmed, Secretary KPC while welcoming the Chinese Consul General and his team said the friendly relations between Pakistan and China are based on mutual interest. “People from both sides are well aware about the importance of these brotherly relations and love and respect each other”, he said.

Copyright Business Recorder, 2024


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