ISLAMABAD: The lawmakers in National Assembly, on Friday, unanimously, passed a resolution condemning the ongoing Israeli brutalities in Gaza, with MPs – from all political parties – terming the assassination of Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh in Iran as a “deliberate conspiracies to sabotage efforts to stop” the ongoing Gaza conflict.

The house also offered Fateha for the departed soul of Haniyeh. The prayer, led by Misbahuddin at the request of Speaker Sardar Ayaz Sadiq, marked a solemn moment in the house, reflecting the nation’s deep sorrow over Haniyeh’s death.

In response to this tragic event, the government has declared a national day of mourning on Friday to show solidarity with the Palestinian people and condemn what they describe as Israeli state-sponsored terrorism in Palestine.

The resolution was moved by Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Ishaq Dar, who said that the document had been prepared through all parties’ consensus.

“Haniyeh’s killing in Tehran had added to the angst and grief, and such incidents are seen as deliberate conspiracies to sabotage efforts to stop the ongoing oppression and brutality against Palestinians and to establish peace in the region”, the resolution stated.

It said: “atrocities by Israel on Palestinians have escalated, causing immense suffering, and loss of over 40,000 innocent lives so far, including women and children”.

The house witnessed rare unity as the resolution highlighted that all parliamentary parties “expressed their unified grief and anger over the ongoing Israeli oppression and brutality against the people of Palestine for the past nine months”.

The house said that Pakistan condemned “terrorism in all its forms and manifestations, including extrajudicial and extraterritorial killings irrespective of the motives”.

Funeral prayers in absentia were also held for “martyr Ismail Haniyeh across the country after Friday prayers today”, as stated in the resolution.

Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif, members belonging to all political parties attend the funeral prayers offered in absentia for Haniyeh.

Meanwhile, speaking on the floor of the house, Prime Minister Sharif termed Haniyeh’s assassination a “huge blow to peace efforts”.

“While strongly condemning the killing of martyr Ismail Haniyeh on behalf of Pakistan’s government and its people, we extend our condolences to the martyr’s family and the Palestinian people.

“Whoever was involved in this incident should be brought before the law,” he said, prompting someone to shout, “Israel, Israel”, pushing the premier to name the country responsible for Haniyeh’s assassination.

“I have spoken about the Zionist state repeatedly in my speech. Once again — the Zionist state has committed these crimes (and) they must be brought before the law,” declared the prime minister.

Referring to the death of Haniyeh’s three sons in Gaza in April this year, he questioned: “What can be a bigger crime than this? What can be a bigger story of sacrifice than this in the current era?”

Sharif continued that Palestinians were facing the “worst form of violence, oppression, and brutality in history”, adding, “Palestine has become a slaughterhouse today”.

He maintained that the “Zionist state (Israel) had been committing genocide for the last nine months, leading to the martyrdom of more than 40,000 Palestinians, including thousands of children”.

“Blood splattered everywhere in Gaza is shaking humanity’s soul, asking loudly while looking towards the sky…when will justice be served and when will this story of violence and injustice end,” he added.

He noted that it was not just Muslims across the world, but all those believing in justice and human rights and belonging to “every race and religion” who were raising the same question.

Highlighting that even UN buildings, media offices, schools, and hospitals were targeted in Gaza, the premier asserted that Israel had exceeded all bounds of crimes against humanity.

He warned that if justice was not served and Israel was not held accountable, it would further inflame public sentiments and anger.

The resolution urged the UNSC to “impose its call for a ceasefire in Gaza” and hold Israel accountable for its “war crimes and crimes against humanity”. It also called for the immediate admission of the State of Palestine as a full member of the UN.

It reiterated the call for an “immediate and comprehensive ceasefire, and the provision of sustainable and unhindered humanitarian assistance to the beleaguered Palestinians, and immediate withdrawal of Israeli occupation forces from Gaza” as per a UNSC resolution passed in June.

The NA asserted that Pakistan would continue to supply aid to Palestine and “take effective measures for medical assistance to the oppressed Palestinian brothers and sisters, including medical treatment in Pakistan”.

It decided that Palestinian medical students would be given admission to Pakistan’s medical colleges on a gratis basis (free of charge) to complete their education.

The resolution expressed “complete solidarity” with Palestinians and asserted that the “Israeli leadership is intent on expelling the population of Palestine from their homeland”.

It noted that “despite clear verdicts” of the International Court of Justice (ICJ), resolutions of the United Nations General Assembly, the UN Security Council and Organisation of Islamic Cooperation (OIC), and calls by UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres, “Israel has not stopped the indiscriminate violence and attacks against innocent Palestinians”.

At the onset of the session, the lawmakers belonging to all parliamentary political parties condemned the brutal assassination of Haniyeh in the strongest possible terms, and expressed solidarity with the people of Palestine.

Copyright Business Recorder, 2024


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