
Pakistan ‘gravely concerned’ at theft, illicit sale of radioactive materials in India: FO

  • These recurring incidents call into question measures taken by New Delhi for the safety and security of nuclear and other radioactive materials, Islamabad says
Published August 13, 2024

The Foreign Office (FO) on Tuesday said Pakistan was “gravely concerned” at the reports of recurring incidents of theft and illicit sale of nuclear and other radioactive materials in India.

The statement was Islamabad’s response when the FO was asked to react to the arrest of a gang in India with radioactive material.

“Pakistan is gravely concerned at the reports of recurring incidents of theft and illicit sale of nuclear and other radioactive materials in India,” the FO said.

In the latest incident, the statement added, a gang of individuals was found in illegal possession of a highly radioactive and toxic substance Californium, worth $100 million in quantity.

Three incidents of theft of Californium were also reported in 2021. Last month, five individuals with a radioactive device reportedly stolen from Bhabha Atomic Research Center (BARC) were also found from Dehradun, the FO said.

“These recurring incidents call into question the measures taken by New Delhi for the safety and security of nuclear and other radioactive material. These incidents also suggest the existence of a black market for sensitive, dual-use materials inside India.

IAEA stance: FO rejects Indian media reports

“The international community seeks an earnest disclosure from the Indian authorities as to how a sealed Radioactive Source (SRS) material, like Californium, was in the possession of the apprehended individuals. It is dangerous for such sensitive material in India to be routinely found in the wrong hands.”

The foreign office called for a thorough investigation of such incidents and adequate measures to prevent their recurrence.


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Builder Aug 13, 2024 05:58pm
Agreed. There is high probability that such material is used by some Indian proxy in India itself as a dirty device and blame Pakistan. A well known Indian tactic to defame Pakistan.
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KU Aug 13, 2024 06:45pm
This is probably the sixth time that this radioactive material, uranium to be precise, is in news for illicit trade in India. Any other country would have been sanctioned by now, something is afoot,
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E Aug 13, 2024 10:37pm
it's racism. if companies everywhere are allowed to trade in the material then why are brown and black people not allowed same. not defending anything but racism is obvious. why certain countries are allowed based on race alone including south africa under aprathid gov and others are not allowed.
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KhanRA Aug 14, 2024 01:54am
No one cares what we think, also radioactive doesn’t mean weapons grade.
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KhanRA Aug 14, 2024 01:54am
@KU, radioactive doesn’t mean weapons grade so it’s not as scary as Pak media makes it out to be
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