KARACHI: Usman Khan, a citizen of Gulbarg Town Karachi, filed an application against the Karachi Water and Sewerage Corporation to the provincial ombudsman on the issue of non-supply of water.

Usman Khan’s complaint was that the water supply in his area was constantly being affected, causing him and other residents of the area to face severe hardships. The application was investigated by Regional Director Karachi Central District Nazir Ahmad Qidwai, who thoroughly investigated the issue. After the investigation, the case was presented before the provincial ombudsman Dr. Muhammad Sohail Rajput. Dr. Sohail Rajput, acting on Usman Khan’s complaint, decided that the Karachi Water and Sewerage Corporation should immediately resolve the citizen’s complaint and ensure uninterrupted water supply in the area.

The Provincial Ombudsman directed in his decision that provision of basic amenities to the citizens should be the top priority of the government and related institutions and neglect of necessities like water will not be tolerated under any circumstances.

Karachi Water and Sewerage Corporation has been mandated to ensure regular water supply in Usman Khan area and not allow such problems to recur in future. This decision is an important step towards solving the problems of the citizens and it also sends a message that the provincial ombudsman takes public complaints seriously and takes prompt and effective steps to redress them.


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