A total of 15 plots, including six commercial and nine residential, were auctioned by Lahore Development Authority (LDA) against a sum of Rs 104.3 million on Thursday. Open auction of commercial plots of 23 commercial plots of Johar Town and Mustafa Town, 10 residential plots of Sabazazar and Jubilee Town and two educational sites in Township and Sabazazar was held at LDA Community Centre and 62 bidders took part in the auction.
Sever competition was observed at this occasion as the competitors enthusiastically offered their bids. Per Marla base price of these plots had been estimated by the approved Evaluators of the State Bank of Pakistan. Maximum bid was offered for a commercial in Johar Town, measuring 80 square meters which was auctioned against a total amount of Rs 7.08 million. Its base price had been fixed as Rs 1.1 million per Marla where as it fetched a price of Rs 1.85 million per Marla. Members of the auction committee of LDA, including Director Finance Zaheer Asghar Raana, Directors Estate Management Akbar Nakai, Usman Ghani, Nadeem Abbas Bhangu and Waseem Abbas Director land Development-I Imran Raza Abbasi and other officers supervised the auction proceedings.
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