For the last few months, the prices of essential commodities have been elevating. With the not-so-good salary, it has become arduous for the majority ie middle class people of our country to survive. A man with a less income finds it more strenuous to pull on. He cannot cerebrate a way out. The common man is totally crushed. He cannot attain even his quotidian requisites and his necessities.
The things of daily use are elevating in prices virtually every other week and some times it transpires even more after two or three days which has made the life of a common man very difficult. Now not everyone can think of buying grocery or even the things of daily use from an authentic supermarket which can be trusted for its quality because of the high prices. We should take a step towards these rising prices. In order to put a check on these prices of necessary items, it is important for the regime to check marketers, hoarders and profiteers and even media can play a big role in making people aware of their surroundings. If it is not put into practice the prevalent man cannot haul a sigh of solace and relaxation and he will be crushed under the wheel of this price hike.
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