Armed robbers, who have snatched purse from a woman at Double Road in Rawalpindi, on Tuesday opened fire on police personnel deputed at the police-picket near Faizabad. Police said that robbers opened fire on a police constable Safdar at police check-post in sector I-8 located in the limits of Industrial Area Police Station, when he tried to stop them as a consequence the constable got serious bullet injuries.
According to details, armed robbers were riding on three different bikes snatched purse from a woman at Double Road in the area located in the limits of New Town Police Station, Rawalpindi. In a bid to speed away, their motorbike slipped and they fell on the road. They stopped a Honda City Car (KU-958) being driven by Hafeez Kiyani at gun point and also kidnapped the car occupant.
Soon after the incident, the whole area was cordoned off and the said car was stopped by policemen deputed at Faizabad joint police picket. The car snatchers opened fire on policemen which resulted in critical bullet injuries to one of the police constables Safdar, while the robbers managed to flee under the cover of firing. The injured police man was shifted to Pakistan Institute of Medical Sciences (PIMS). He was stated to be in a critical condition.
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