A powerful bomb planted on Upper Kurram-Badama Road in Kurram Agency killed seven tribesmen and injured eight others on Tuesday morning. Javed Khan, Political Tehsildar Kurram Agency told APP on phone that an improvised explosive device (IED) planted near Khotama area exploded when a passenger pickup with 15 persons on board was passing through the area. As a result, he said, seven people were killed and eight others injured.
He said the dead included a 14-year-old boy and two women. The pickup was coming from Central Kurram to Parachinar. Three persons died on the spot while four succumbed to their wounds at Agency Headquarters Hospital Parachinar. The dead identified as Taj Muhammad, Sanaullah, Syed Imran and Abidur Rehman while identity of three other victims could not be immediately ascertained. Khasadar Force and Political Administration officials rushed to the spot and shifted the wounded to hospital. Most of the victims, he said, belonged to Central Kurram and Taba Sir Kalay village.
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