Senior Superintendent of Police Islamabad Asmatullah Junejo has directed all police officials to take strict action against those involved in drug peddling, encroachment and launch effective crackdown against street criminals in their respective areas. He made these directions during `Open Kutchery' held at Madni Masjid on Monday to provide immediate justice to people after listening to their complaints.
The SSP listened to the problems of the people and issued directions to immediately resolve them so that public can trust police and culture of friendly policing can be ensured. The notables of the area, SDPO and SHO Sabzi Mandi police station also attended this kutchery. The people of the area complained about street crime, presence of drug addicts in surroundings of Sabzi Mandi and encroachment. The SSP ordered to resolve these problems on immediate basis and to inform him about his progress on daily basis.
The SSP said that strict actions should be taken against those involved in drug peddling activities as wall as street criminals. He directed for launching crackdown against drug pushers and register cases against those involved in such heinous crime. He said purpose of organizing such `Open Kutchery' is to present Islamabad police for accountability before citizens because it is the best way to improve performance and win public support.
SSP Asmatullah Junejo urged the participants in `Open Kutchery' for their support to police to eradicate crime in the area. He also told participants about the success of Capital police against criminal elements and informed them about the steps taken by the force to make the city peaceful. He said that Islamabad police has decided to launch special campaign against the suspects and will starting the house to house checking in the area. For this purpose, he appealed the people of the area for their co-operation so that this areas can be made `criminal free'.
He also stressed for checking activities of the people in their surroundings especially of the tenants and informs the police in case of observing the suspects. He said that effective policing is only possible through co-operation of public and trust between them would be ensured through resolving their problems at their door steps. The SSP appealed the participants to help police in maintaining peace and tranquility during Muharram ul Haram and also stressed for ensuring inter-faith harmony during this whole month.-PR
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