A mother from Akora Khattak, whose son allegedly picked up by the police, has appealed to the Chief Justice of Peshawar High Court (PHC) and police high-ups, to provide her justice by releasing her son Habib Gul.
Addressing a press conference here on Monday, Anbiya Bibi allegedly claimed that Station House Officer (SHO) of Cantonment Police Station District Nowshera had kidnapped her son for ransom.
"My son Habib Gul was kidnapped and then shifted him to unknown place instead of police station by the SHO Haji Muhammad, who demanded for Rs 0.3 million," the mother added. Giving details of the whole incident, she said that her son was working on daily wage basis in a vehicles' bargaining shop in the area as they were too poor to make both ends meet, adding that the SHO picked up Habib Gul on January 27, 2015. On the pretext of involving my son in criminal activities, he (SH0) arrested him but instead of police station, shifted him to unidentified place and then demanded Rs 0.3 million, she claimed.
She said they told the SHO about their financial condition that they were unable to pay it, after that, he started threatening them to get her son shown as a criminal in documents by implicating him in fake cases. "The SHO did what he threatened as he lodged FIR against Habib Gul involving him having Hashish of four kg and 18 thousand counterfeit currencies," he alleged.
She informed that despite several complaints to Provincial Police Chief Nasir Khan Durani and Chief Minister Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Pervez Khattak in this regard but to no avail. Anbiya Bibi, therefore, appealed to Chief of Pakistan Tehrik-e-Insaf (PTI) Imran and Chief Justice Peshawar High Court (PHC) to provide her justice by releasing her son Habib Gul forthwith as there is none to feed his descendent except him and take stern action against the police official concerned for misusing his power.
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