Balochistan Chief Minister Dr Abdul Malik Baloch Saturday said that an All-Parties Conference (APC) will be held in the aftermath of the Mastung killings. The death toll from the Mastung tragedy rose to 22 on Saturday as another body of an abducted passenger was recovered. "We will bring the culprits to book," said the Balochistan CM during the press conference at CM Secretariat. The chief minister also said that he had spoken to Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif with regards to convening an All Parties Conference (APC).
Official sources said, Prime Minister Nawaz and chief minister Abdul Malik made a telephonic contact and exchanged views on Mastung carnage. The premier also asked the provincial chief minister to further tighten the security in Quetta following the incident.
Dr Abdul Malik apprised Nawaz about security measures taken by the provincial government after the tragic incident. During the conversation, they agreed to hold an APC over law and order situation in Balochistan next week. On the occasion opposition leader Maulana Abdul Wassey termed the killings as a conspiracy against Balochistan and Pakistan. He vowed to defeat the enemies of Pakistan and Balochistan will remain part of Pakistan.
Maulana Wssey appealed the Prime Minister and CoAS to take serious notice of Mastung incident and take severe action against enemies of Pakistan. He said that they would observe three days of mourning and all businesses will be shut in Quetta and other cities to express sympathy with the bereaved families.
According to survivors, four to six gunmen dressed in security forces uniforms stopped the buses and took all the passengers to the mountains, where 30 to 35 more terrorists were waiting. The survivors added that after checking CNIC cards, they began killing the passengers.
Meanwhile a large number of protesters staged a sit-in outside the Governor House on Saturday to protest the killings of 22 people who were kidnapped from two Karachi-bound coaches and gunned down by armed men on Friday. Police tried to disperse them but in vain. Later Chief Minister Abdul Malik Baloch met them and assured action against the culprits appealing them to end their protest.
Security around the Balochistan Chief Minister House and the Governor House was tightened as protesters crossed the Red Zone to demonstrate. The families after their protest left for Pishin where burial of the victims will take place. Meanwhile, security personnel conducted operation in different parts of Mastung in the wake of the tragedy last night. Home Minister Balochistan Mir Sarfaraz Bugti told media Saturday that seven militants were killed during the search operation underway in Mastung's area of Khad Kocha.
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