The Punjab Food Authority (PFA) has fined several bakery units in the provincial metropolis on various charges including carrying out business without license, not having medical certificates of workers, and using non-food grade colours. Operations Director Ayesha Mumtaz led a raiding team on Saturday in Data Ganj Buksh Town and sealed the Unique Bakers Biscuit Production Unit on the charges of substandard material, poor personal hygiene of workers, no medical certificate of employees, no license to do business and using substandard material and non-food grade colours.
Samples of different products were also taken by the team and dispatched to laboratory for analysis while an FIR was also got registered against the owner of the bakery in the police station concerned. The team also sealed the Madni Bakers for carrying out business without food license, workers without medical certificates, selling expired items and bad cleanliness situation. While Khan Siri Paye was fined for keeping the food items on floor, poor personal hygiene of workers, and open drains.
The Gulberg Town team sealed the Shafique Bakery Production Unit on the charges of bad cleanliness, not printing date of manufacturing of expiry on the products and poor personal hygiene of the workers. The Yasir Grill and Gravy situated in Hussain Chowk and Yasir Broast, located on the PECO Road, were sealed on the charges of open drains, no label on products, having no food business license, no medical of workers and improper storage of the items and sewerage. The KPK Cuisine, on the PECO Road was fined by the team on the charges of bad cleanliness, improper storage of food items, dirty washing area and inappropriate sewerage.
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