Model Customs Collectorate (MCC), Gwadar on Thursday claimed to have collected Rs 3.51 billion customs duty, which is 348 percent higher than the target, during 10 months of current fiscal. According to the official statistics, the customs duty target of MCC Gwadar from July 2015 to April 2016 was Rs 1.008 billion while the collection against the said target stood at Rs 3.510 billion.
The combined target of the Collectorate of all taxes during the first 10 months of the current financial year was Rs 14.437 billion and taxes collected against this target stood at Rs 18.955 billion. Similarly, MCC Gwadar seized more than 2.5 million liters of high speed diesel (HSD) during this period against a total seizure of 1.3 million HSD made during the corresponding period of the last year. Among other 7,630 bottles of liquor, 10,594 cans of beer and 1,388 kg of narcotics were also seized by MCC Gwadar during the current financial year.

Copyright Business Recorder, 2016


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