The Punjab government has set up a Monitoring & Co-ordination Cell (MCC) to ensure cleanliness throughout the province and immediate removal of offal and intestines of sacrificial aniimals in a co-ordinated manner. This cell will monitor the progress of all Municipals Administrations and Waste Management companies and others across the province.
The cell will be performing its duties from the building of the Punjab Local Government Board and four telephone numbers, two fax numbers and a WhatsApp number are being advertised for the convenience of the people who can use any one of these three methods to contact the officials in case of any complaint, said a spokesman of the government here on Monday.
The helpline numbers are; 042-99213447, 042-99213446, 042-99213442 and 042-37158766 while citizens can send their complaints on this Fax number 042-37157684 and 042-37155866 whereas the WhatsApp number is 0300-9484772.
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